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Tape Backup for 98/95/NT

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Omni-Tar Tape Backup
Version 2.2 for Windows NT/98/95

(TB-201)...... US $40 GRATUIT       
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(Price listed is limited to US customer ONLY.   Prices subject to change without notice)

This Tar backup utility allows you to back-up and restore files from Windows to UNIX Tape Drive. Remote Backup for Windows greatly simplifies the process by providing several utilities that allow you to back-up your PC files to the UNIX host's tape and/or hard drives.

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Omni-Tar provides a user friendly wizard with a simple point and click mechanism to select files, directories and drives for archiving or restoral. Users can select to backup to a suitable UNIX device or to store the Tar file on disk. The program takes many files and consolidates them into a single file for archiving.

Component List
(Click on the component name for detailed information)

  • Tape Backup with Tar
    Backup and restore using UNIX tape an
    d floppy drives from Windows NT or 98/95.
  • Host Editor
    Create host database which is used by all applications. 

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