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** All prices listed below are valid within U.S. only!
      (Please contact for International prices.)
** Prices may vary depending on quantity.
** All Prices are exclusive of shipping & sales tax.

XLink Omni-Series List Price
(U.S. Price Only)

Part Number

Product Name

U.S. List Price

XW-402 Omni-X for Windows NT/98/95
special Academic Promotion (Student and Faculty Only)

($135.00 List)

GT-101 Omni-NFS Gateway for Windows NT

$600 for 5-user license

GT-102 Omni-NFS Dual Gateway for Windows NT

$800 for 5-user license (US Only)

FNT-506 Omni-NFS Enterprise for Win NT/98/95

now with NFS Server for NT

FN-504 Omni-NFS Server for Win NT/98/95

$99.00 new low price

XW-402 Omni-X for Windows NT/98/95


XFT-406 Omni-NFS/X Enterprise for Win NT/98/95


FN-505 Omni-NFS Lite for Windows 95


FN-515 Omni-NFS Lite for Windows 98/95


FNT-505 Omni-Lite for Windows NT


FN-503 Omni-NFS for Windows 98/95


FNT-506A Omni-NFS Enterprise for Windows NT Alpha


FN-504A Omni-NFS Server for Windows NT Alpha


TE-102 Omni-VT420 for Windows NT/98/95


LP-102 Omni-Print for Windows NT/98/95


Omni-Series Competitive Upgrade Price:
Competitive Upgrade pricing is for our customers who are switching over from a competitor's product to ours (serial number or invoice required).

Omni-NFS for Window 98/95 $75.00 USD
Omni-NFS Server for Windows NT/98/95 $75.00 USD
Omni-NFS Enterprise for Windows NT/98/95 $100.00 USD
Omni-X for Windows 98/95/NT $100.00 USD
Omni-NFS/X Enterprise for Windows NT/98/95 $135.00 USD

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