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Free PC NFS Connectivity Demo Software

Thank you for requesting an evaluation version of our products.

Please remember the download is a fully-functional evaluation version. The only difference is that you have 15 days to evaluate the product, after which, if you are satisfied with it,  you may order a license pass-key to disable the time constraint.

Select the products that you want to download:

IsaStor Series

EzOpenBackup Plus! for Windows 2000/XP/2003 Save modified data between backups in addition to open/locked file backup
EzOpenBackup Lite for Windows 2000/XP/2003 Schedule backup, open file backup, multiple version control, merge, extract
ClusterReplica for Windows 2000/XP/2003 Open file data replication, two levels of failover and disaster recovery

Omni-NFS Gateway Series:

NFS Gateway for Windows NT (GT-101) PCs access UNIX files through NT Server
NFS Dual Gateway for Windows NT (GT-102) Bidirectional access between PCs and UNIX through NT Server

Omni-NFS Series:

Omni-NFS Enterprise for Windows ME/2000/2003/NT/98/95/XP (FNT-526) Enables bi-directional PC - UNIX file system resource and printing sharing. Featuring NFS Client, NFS Server, LPD, LPR and other essential tools
Omni-Lite for Windows 2000/2003/NT/XP/ME/98/95 (FNT-525) Enables PC to access UNIX file system resource and printing sharing. Featuring NFS Client and LPD/LPR
NFS Server for Windows NT/98/95 (FN-504) Allows UNIX users to access the Windows NT or 98/95 storage which have been exported for remote NFS clients
NFS for Windows Me/98/95 (FN-503) Enables you to access UNIX resources, share files, and  to export Windows 98/95 resources to other NFS Clients

Omni-X Server:

PC-X Server for Windows NT/98/95 (XW-402) PC-X Server

Omni-NFS & X.11 Server Combo:

NFS/X Enterprise for Windows NT/98/95 (XFT-406) Combination of PC-X Server and NFS Enterprise package.

Terminal Emulation / Tape Backup / LPD&LPR:

Omni-VT420 for Windows NT/98/95 (TE-102)

Terminal Emulation.
Omni-Print for Windows NT/98/95 (LP-102) LPD/LPR remote printing sharing

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