The WebEssential IP Delivery / User authentication product described here is no longer sold by XLink or OSInet.
This page is only provided for informational / historical purposes. Its Log
Analyzer function is now offered at no cost.
Web Essential IP Delivery 3.0
This useful web tool package allows you to boost search engine ranking as well as enforce web security for your web site. It also
allows you to designate viewing audience.
- Boosts Search engine ranking.
- Enables you to add keywords/keyphrases to influence web ranking.
- Redirects specific IP addresses to pages you choose to show.
- Allows you to designate your viewing audience.
- Hides optimized pages from your competitors.
- Designate different levels of security on your web site.
- Inserts Authentication page in front of pages you wish to limit access to.
- Authentication page can be personalized per se with special instructions.
- Login/Password checkpoint to enforce web security.
- Security access for internal and external Internet Users.
- Tracks website traffic providing visitor information, data on the most
popular pages, and much more.
- Generates reports including easy to review charts and graphs.
- Informs you of Link Breakages and other types technical problems on your
- Supplies a list of the most search phrases/keywords used on different
search engines.