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ClusterBalancer Web Log Analyzer User Authentication IP Delivery Policy Mgmt

The WebEssential product described below is no longer sold by XLink or OSInet. This page is only provided for informational / historical purposes.

Web Essential User Authentication service

Web Essential user authentication for Microsoft's IIS System will insure web security in information sharing to users throughout the world in the rapidly growing internet era. User Authentication provides web security using a login/password checkpoint to designate who has access to certain web pages. (Each user has his/her own login and password enabling them access, per use to top secret company information for employees only). Web Authentication establishes a check point by simply inserting an authentication page in front of the pages users will have to bypass to reach the secured pages. 

Special features of User Authentication include the authentication page where special instructions and a title can be added for user convenience.

Having User Authentication packaged, finding Internet solutions to your web security problems have never been more convenient. Anyone can now easily enforce different web security levels on their web site.

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