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Foire aux Questions (Frequently Asked Questions):
Installing & Uninstalling X-Server
NFS Server VT-420
NFS Client Miscellaneous

All the FAQs are designed only for current and previous versions of Omni-Series products.

If you did not find the information needed from the FAQ sections, please contact us

XLink Technology, Inc. Copyright © 1994-1998

Installing the software

How do I check whether the installation is complete or not?

Go to the DOS prompt, type regedit, you should see the following picture.

Windows 95 ........

Windows NT ........

Only when you can see all the folders listed in this picture, is your installation complete. Also, if you can see some *.tmp files under c:\xnfs , it means the installation is not complete. A complete installation should have the "host list " pop out at the end of installation, after adding a new host to the list , you must exit it.

Install | Uninstall | NFS Server | NFS Client | LPR | LPD | X-Server | VT420 | Miscellaneous

Uninstalling the software

How to uninstall the product manually

If you can't uninstall the software completely using the Uninstall program, you may need to do the uninstallation manually by doing the following...

Go to the Registry Editor by typing regedit in DOS and follow the steps below:

Windows 95 ........

1. Delete xnfs

2. Delete XNP under Services

3. Delete XNP in Order

4. Delete XPP under Providers

5. Delete XLink Technology under SOFTWARE

6. Delete 0002 in this figure

Windows NT ........

1. Delete Xlnfs in Order under ProviderOrder.

2. Delete Xlnfs Print Services in Providers.

3. Delete binary of Xlnfs Print Servicesin Providers under Order value.

4. Delete Xlnfs in CurrentControlSet\Services.

5. Delete XLink Technology in SOFTWARE.

Install | Uninstall | NFS Server | NFS Client | LPR | LPD | X-Server | VT420 | Miscellaneous

NFS Server (current and previous versions only)

How to mount a PC exported drive/directory on UNIX

  1. First make sure you have already exported a PC drive/directory using our Omni- NFS server.
  2. To ensure that the NFS Server has properly exported the drive, type the following command to get the exported file system:
    Showmount -e <IP address or Host Name of your PC>
    Example: showmount -e
  3. On the UNIX side, use mount command following the example given below:
    mount <IP address or Host Name of your PC>:c:/usr /mnt
    Example: mount -t nfs /mnt

Here, c:/usr is the PC exported directory. /mnt is a UNIX directory. Remember, it is case sensitive.

Error in mounting to the NFS Server

  1. Incorrect mounting command: refer to How to mount a PC exported drive/directory on UNIX
  2. Mount path is not in the right case
  3. Did not restart services after define an exported drive

Install | Uninstall | NFS Server | NFS Client | LPR | LPD | X-Server | VT420 | Miscellaneous

NFS Client (current and previous versions only)

How to mount a drive

Follow the steps below to mount a drive in NFS Client:

  1. Make sure your TCP/IP is installed correctly. So that you can ping UNIX host from DOS prompt.
  2. For Windows 95, in Control Panel/Networks, there 's an entry for XLink Omni-NFS. If not, try to reinstall the software.
  3. Make sure there is an entry for your PC in your UNIX hosts file.
  4. In UNIX 's exports file, export the directories you want to mount from PC.
  5. Make sure UNIX host is defined as NFS server using Omni-NFS Host Editor.
  6. If PCNFSD is not running on your UNIX host, use UID and GID option provided in the Omni-NFS client program when you define a NFS drive.
  7. If you fail when you use a root account, use a normal user name instead.
  8. Make sure the account you are using has the right to access the directory exported in UNIX.

Read or Write error when accessing a file

If you have mounted a drive successfully but have problems reading or writing files :

  1. Unmount the drive first
  2. In Omni-NFS client Define/Options, turn off the cache and reduce the buffer size to 1K. If you are using Explorer to map a NFS drive, cache and buffer option can be set in UTILS under NFS client window.
  3. Remount the drive

Remove the Xlink logon window when booting Windows 95

If you do not wish to have the XLink logon window displayed whenever you start your PC:

  1. In Control Panel/Network/Xlink NFS Property, turn off Network Logon.
  2. Reboot your PC.

Disable Dial-up Network when initializing NFS Client in Windows 95

If you do not wish to have the Dial-Up Adapter initialized whenever you open the NFS Client application:

  1. Unmount all the drives.
  2. In Control Panel/Network/TCP/IP->Dial-Up Adapter Property, unbind the XLink NFS for WindowsX.
  3. In Control Panel/Internet/Connection, uncheck the Connect to the internet as needed.
  4. Reboot your PC.


What is the maximum capacity NFS client can handle

The maximum size of directory that Omni-NFS client can handle is 4GB.

Authentication Error with NFS Client

There are several possibilities that would cause authentication errors:

  1. If it is over the evaluation period for EVAL copy
  2. More than registerd licenses have been installed
  3. Incomplete installation
  4. Incorrect mounting path
  5. Permission not set in the hosts and export files
  6. Improper TCP/IP setting (use ping to check connection)
  7. More than one NFS client is installed
  8. Install with other user name than administrator (applied with NT)
  9. Login as root. (or can not see file list after mount)

Install | Uninstall | NFS Server | NFS Client | LPR | LPD | X-Server | VT420 | Miscellaneous

LPR (current and previous versions only)

LPR Driver......

How to mount a NFS printer

Follow the steps below to mount a NFS printer:

  1. Make sure you can mount a NFS drive before mounting NFS printer
  2. To mount a NFS printer , you MUST use PCNFSD.
  3. export /usr/spool on UNIX system, and mount it from OMNI-NFS client. Make sure you have read and write permission to this directory.
  4. Set the UNIX printer as dump printer if the print result is not readable.
  5. Use Windows standard Add Printer to add a NFS printer.
  6. If you can't print to NFS printer from Omni-NFS, try to see if you can do it from another UNIX.

How to print with DOS application

  1. To print data with DOS application, you will need to mount a NFS printer.
  2. Follow the steps mentioned in How to mount a NFS printer.

How to mount a LPR printer

Follow the steps below to mount a LPR printer:

  1. Start the LPD application on the UNIX Server without any filter option. (dumb printer)
  2. Make sure the LPR printer is defined in the LPR hosts within the Omni-series program group.
  3. Use Windows standard Add Printer to add a LPR printer.

How to disable banner page

The printing of the banner page is defined in the LPD application on the UNIX Server. You will need to change the setting of your LPD application on the UNIX to disable this option.

How to set -l option if -o can not be accepted

Add the following section in your xlink.ini file under windows (95) or winnt directory:

option = l 

Install | Uninstall | NFS Server | NFS Client | LPR | LPD | X-Server | VT420 | Miscellaneous

LPD (current and previous versions only )

How to disable printing of the banner page

This option can be disabled when in the interface of the Omni-series LPD application.

Install | Uninstall | NFS Server | NFS Client | LPR | LPD | X-Server | VT420 | Miscellaneous

X-Server (current and previous versions only )

How to copy and paste between xterms and windows application

  1. Hightlight the text to be copied in the xterm
  2. Point to the location where the selected text will be pasted
  3. To paste into a xterm, push both right and left mouse buttons at the same time
  4. To paste into a regular editable windows application, use normal paste function

How to get IP address if using Modem to dial out

  1. Dial out and connect with PPP connection
  2. Use Xopen to connect to the UNIX server (IP address will automatically be detected by Xopen)

How to connect to UNIX Server if none of REXEC and RSH is supported

  1. Initialize Omni-X
  2. Use VT420 to log into your account
  3. At the command prompt start the x-window application
  4. The started application should then appear in the Omni-X window

What else should I know

  1. The command path for xterm or x-window related application varies from different OS. The default command path in Xopen may not be applicable to you. You will need to type in the right path.
  2. If the displayed panel is larger than default Omni-X window with single window mode, you can enlarge Omni-X window by changing the panning size through Xconfig/WinMode.

Install | Uninstall | NFS Server | NFS Client | LPR | LPD | X-Server | VT420 | Miscellaneous

VT420 (current and previous versions only)

How to change to another windows application within Windows 3.X

  1. Type Ctrl-Esc to bring up the Task Manager
  2. Use Alt-Tab to select between applications

How to use keymapping tools

With VT420 you can map all your function keys to special key strokes defined in your main server by:

  1. Start VT420
  2. Select Setup/Keymap in VT420 and a keyboard layout will display for mapping
  3. Choose any the mappable keys then click on Remap to start editing
  4. Enter new value by either click on the keys displayed or type from your keyboard
  5. Click on OK to make the new setting effective or you can save it to a file to be loaded

Example: Click on F1 -> Remap -> enter ABC in the text box

When you press F1 on your keyboard, it gives you ABC on the VT420 terminal.

How to change background color

Background color can be changed by:/p>

  1. Select Setup/Color Map in VT420, a color palette will display
  2. To select a color for text, choose from fore color.
  3. To select a color for background, choose from back color.
  4. Click on the arrow button or place a check in the box for different setting
  5. When done, close the dialog and the new setting will be applied to the display

How to exit from VT420

To avoid background process of VT420, it is advised to select File/Exit from the main menu to ensure complete termination of the program.

How to capture current screen into a log file

  1. Start VT420
  2. Select File/Log and an open file dialog will pop-up
  3. Type in the file name to be created or to be opened
  4. Click on OK. A check mark is placed beside File/Log.
  5. Everything typed to VT420 after the opening of the log file will be saved.

Install | Uninstall | NFS Server | NFS Client | LPR | LPD | X-Server | VT420 | Miscellaneous

Miscellaneous (current and previous versions only )

How to get rid of the Evaluation Expired dialog

If you have uninstalled our software and are still getting the Evaluation Expired dialog, please follow the Uninstall procedure for registry.

How to mount NFS drive automatically without starting the client application

To automount NFS drive without starting client window, you can map the NFS drive through Explorer with reconnect at logon checked.  Please note that you will have to have the user login information defined in the Host Editor program; otherwise, you will be asked to enter user name and password everytime your system boots up.

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