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Internet Filtering Update

Little Brother software has teamed up with SurfControl, the Global Leader in Internet Filtering, to bring you the most advanced technology available for managing Internet access in the corporate environment.

SurfControl's SuperScout for Business replaces the Little Brother line, easing the task of managing employee Internet access.

Previously time-consuming IT chores are now automated, such as generating reports on employee Internet activity - detailing who is compromising network bandwidth and precious resources for less than legitimate reasons. Other important features include:

  • ability to control access privileges down to the user level
  • over 60 pre-configured, easy to read reports
  • ability to monitor by user name or workstation
  • largest content database of URLs in the industry
  • easy set up with automated administration

Additionally, SuperScout's Pass-By monitoring radically exploits packet sniffing technology to build a picture of network traffic without having a negative impact upon network performance. SuperScout's innovative technology monitors, reports, blocks and manages all TCP/IP protocols, enabling you to control network resources, without slowing down traffic.

Offload your administrative burden to SuperScout and spend your time on more important matters like guarding against hackers and staying current on technological advancements.

Try it for yourself FREE for 30-days! Download an evaluation from You can buy it in France from OSI: french prices can be found on the OSInet web site at

SurfControl is the publisher of leading content-filtering solutions, including SuperScout, SurfWatch, CSM and Cyberpatrol.


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